Sunday morning coffee with a little musing: foot in mouth?

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See what i did there? maybe not yet. will this help? my post will be about Butker, the KC chiefs kicker who is making all kinds of headlines since his speech. It is interesting to see the takes on social media but also the scumbaggery… on both sides.. it fascinates me how quickly it becomes about the left and right.

i am someone who strongly believes that everyone is entitled to their opinions/beliefs. If i having differing opinions to someone else i am perfectly fine with agreeing to disagree. I would never shove my beliefs down someone else’s throat. Having said that, there are some things I will not budge on. ever.

Only those that attended the speech will have the full context. god knows that the internet is a cesspool of misinformation. People twist and turn things to get their narrative out there without regard to truth and accuracy. it’s laughable at the amount of Butker posts on facebook that are garbage either way; for and against. pure garbage. People have no shame.

i may have already written about this in a previous post but who cares; it’s worth repeating. At the risk of sounding like my parents i want to make something clear. Back in the day, growing up there was “truth” and “lies”. None of this nonsense of “your truth”. Speak your truth. What pure nonsense. We live in a time now where evil wins. Truth does not matter. Toxicity thrives. Someone can speak “their truth” consisting of pure lies that are backed up by receipts, and do you know who ends up getting vilified? The person dishing out the receipts. Scary times.

So is Butker speaking the truth or “his truth”? At the end of the day you have to look at who he was addressing his speech to, no? You know that expression “read the room”. In a way, i think he did.

I grew up Catholic. My experience was not great. As is the case with everything you don’t want to lump everyone in the same pile buttttt… I was surrounded by people who professed their devotion to God while being toxic and vitriolic. Shameful how they had the audacity to present themselves in the house of god. Shameful. I don’t know that anything has changed. Most if not all so-called catholics/christians etc are gun totting, vitriolic people who want harm done unto others. That’s ok though, they go to church on Sunday. what a joke.

Whoopi says that Butker should be given the same respect for his beliefs Colin is given. True that. However, should Butker face the same faith? and let’s not make it about talent. For gods sake, i had Butker plenty of times in my Fantasy football league over the years and he did wonders for me. Will i drop him in protest if i land him this season? No. But should he face the same consequences Colin faced for his beliefs? doubt he will.

A small sampling of facebook posts hitting my feed on the daily!!! when will it stop!

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